Embedded Programming

Programmed board from Electronic Production unit and produced 2 additional uC boards and programmed them

ATTINY44 based board with LED and switch

Programmed in C using avrdude and FabISP to download program

see Electronics Production page

hello.arduino board with ATTINY328 instead of 168

Produced board from established design provided on class page.

milled hello.arduino bare hello.arduino stuffed hello.arduino

Didn't have tiny168 so used pin compatable tiny328

Modified Arduino boards.txt file to reflect fuse settings and bootloader needed for internal oscillator and 328 processor

Loaded boootloader with Arduino IDE

programming hello.arduino

traces traces

traces traces

Ran variations of the 'Blink' sketch from Arduino IDE

Programmed and ran Modkit programs with blocks to blink LED in various patterns



Fabkit board with ATTINY168 and 8 Mhz resonator instead of internal oscillator

Produced board

bare Fabkit stuffed Fabkit - top stuffed Fabkit - bottom

Modified Arduino boards.txt file to reflect fuse settings and bootloader needed for resonator and tiny168 processor

Designed and produced board to easily interface Fabkit to 6 PIN ISP connector. Used for initial bootloader programming with arduino IDE and subsequent direct C and assebly programming with avrdude

.cad file

traces traces traces

Fabkit ISP intf Fabkit with ISP inft programming Fabkit

Designed and produced i/o board to test programming of LED input and output, 2 photodiode inputs and 2 PWM outputs with FETs for motor control

.cad file

traces traces traces

Fabkit ISP intf Fabkit ISP intf Fabkit ISP intf Fabkit ISP intf

Programmed with Modkit blocks for LED output and photodiode inputs controlling PWM output for motors



Programmed in Arduino IDE for LED output, photodiode inputs controlling PWM output for motors and serial output of photodiode measurements

Arduino sketch file

sketch terminal output

Quick video of Fabkit with i/o board running the sketches above. I am blocking the light to the photodiodes with an xacto knife. There are 2 motors connected to the PWM outputs. One is a normal small DC motor, the other has an offest weight mounted to the shaft to make it vibrate. Hopefully you can see and hear the speed of each motor change with the phototransistor controlling it.

The boards produced and programmed this week.

this weeks boards